Energy CLASS

Energy CLASS Free On-Demand Training

Illustration of a group of adults and kids standing in front of a school with solar panels on itThe Energy Champions Leading the Advancement of Sustainable Schools (Energy CLASS) training aims to build knowledge within schools to promote energy, infrastructure, and health improvements in school facilities and classrooms across America. Energy CLASS was sponsored by the Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Recordings and materials from the training sessions held in 2023–2024 for school districts are provided below. These training sessions are intended to provide school districts practical knowledge and resources around energy infrastructure projects that reduce utility costs and create healthier learning environments for students and teachers, as well as to identify funding pathways for advancing sustainability across the school district.

Fundamental Building Science

Setting the Stage for Long-Term Building Efficiency and Sustainability

Training Recording | Slides (PDF) 

Understanding Your Buildings and Identifying Opportunities for Efficiency

Training Recording | Slides (PDF) 

Benchmarking and Energy Management

Introduction to Energy Management

Training Recording | Slides (PDF)

Energy Tracking and Benchmarking

Training Recording | Slides (PDF)

Developing Energy Efficiency Projects

Training Recording | Slides (PDF)

Institutionalizing Continuous Improvement

Training Recording | Slides (PDF)

Training Resources: Benchmarking and Energy Management

Training Resource: Introduction to Energy Management

ENERGY STAR Teaming Up to Save Energy

ENERGY STAR Building Upgrade Manual

The ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management

ENERGY STAR Facility Energy Assessment Matrix

US DOE 50001 Ready Program

US DOE 50001 Ready Navigator

US DOE Better Buildings for K-12 School Districts

DOE / LBNL Efficient and Healthy Schools Program

EPA State and Local Climate and Energy Program: Energy Efficiency in K-12 Schools: A Guide to Developing and Implementing Greenhouse Gas Reduction Programs

Training Resource: Energy Tracking and Benchmarking

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager

IMT Building Performance Policy Center

Service Providers That Exchange Data with ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager via Web Services

ENERGY STAR Commercial Buildings Energy Efficiency Training

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Training

US DOE Building Energy Asset Score

Training Resource: Developing Energy Efficiency Projects

ASHRAE Standards - Public Review Drafts (scroll down to select "Standard 211-2018")

DOE Quick Building Assessment Tool (QBAT) Tutorial Video

School Energy Assessment (SEA) Form

ENERGY STAR Building Upgrade Manual Chapter 5: Retrocommissioning

ENERGY STAR Treasure Hunts

DOE/NREL Advanced Energy Retrofit Guide: K-12 Schools

DOE Better Buildings K-12 Lighting Toolkit

DOE School Efficiency Enhancement Guides

ENERGY STAR Building Upgrade Manual (see Chapters 5 - 9)

ENERGY STAR Service and Provider Partners

ENERGY STAR Most Active Service & Product Providers

DOE/ORNL Energy Savings Performance Contracting: A Primer for K-12 Schools

Training Resource: Institutionalizing Continuous Improvement

DOE/NREL Advanced Energy Retrofit Guide: K-12 Schools (see Chapter 6: Continuous Improvement Through Operations and Maintenance)

DOE's Guide to Operating and Maintaining Energy Smart Schools

ENERGY STAR Operation and Maintenance Best Practices for Energy-Efficient Buildings

ENERGY STAR K-12 Energy Efficiency Student Toolkit

DOE Clean Energy Resources for Educators

National Energy Education Development (NEED)

DOE's School Operations and Maintenance: Best Practices for Controlling Energy Costs

Building Operator Certification

ENERGY STAR Guidance for Energy-Saving Competitions

Better Buildings Challenge Goal Achievers

ENERGY STAR Certification and Other Recognition

DOE/LBNL Efficient and Healthy Schools Recognition

EPA Guidebook for Energy Efficiency Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification


Indoor Air Quality

IAQ Terminology & Safety, Liability & Occupant Input

Training Recording | Slides

Surveying the Building & Quantitative IAQ Measurement

Training Recording | Slides

Air Moving Equipment & Hazard Mitigation

Training Recording | Slides

Identifying Interventions & Communication

Training Recording | Slides

Training Resources: Indoor Air Quality

Training Resource: IAQ Terminology & Safety, Liability & Occupant Input

US EPA Framework for Effective School IAQ Management

US EPA Reference Guide for Indoor Air Quality in Schools

AirNow Get Air Quality Data Where You Live

EPA School IAQ Assessment Mobile App

EPA's Indoor Air Quality – Tools for Schools kit

The Indoor Generation - Promotional video

Indoor Air Quality Levels in Schools: Role of Student Activities and No Activities

Healthy Schools – Healthy Buildings

Training Resource: Surveying the Building & Quantitative IAQ Measurement

EPA Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Principles

American Lung Association Asthma-Friendly Schools Initiative Resources and Tools

Read more about controlling mold and moisture in Appendix H of the US EPA Reference Guide for Indoor Air Quality in Schools

US EPA Pest Control and Pesticide Safety for Consumers

How indoor air quality in schools affects student learning and health

US EPA Recommended Action Checklists for Improving Indoor Air Quality in Schools

US EPA Indoor Air Quality Problem Solving Tool

Training Resource: Air Moving Equipment & Hazard Mitigation

US EPA Moisture Control Guidance for Building Design, Construction, and Maintenance

US EPA Mold Guidance for Homes, Schools, Multifamily, and Commercial Buildings

CDC Interactive School Ventilation Tool

US EPA Framework for Effective School IAQ Management

ENERGY STAR Certified Products

US EPA Background Information for Ventilation Checklist (PDF)

US EPA Ventilation Checklist (PDF) from the IAQ Tools for Schools

US EPA Building SucVentilation Checklist from Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools | US EPAcessful Programs to Address Chemical Risks in Schools: A Workbook with Templates, Tips, and Techniques (pdf)

US EPA Building Successful Programs to Address Chemical Risks in Schools: State, Tribal and Local School Chemical Cleanout Programs (pdf)

US EPA Chemical Management Resource Guide for School Administrators (pdf)

Training Resource: Identifying Interventions & Communication

US EPA Protecting IAQ During School Energy Efficiency Retrofit Projects with Energy Savings Plus Health Guidelines

US EPA Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools: Preventative Maintenance Guidance Documents

US EPA Safer Choice

US EPA Asbestos Laws and Regulations

US EPA Asbestos and School Buildings

US EPA Radon in Schools

US EPA Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Program

US EPA Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers and Schools

OSHA Brief Hazard Communication Standard: Safety Data Sheets

US EPA Creating Healthy Indoor Air Quality in Schools

US EPA Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Action Kit

US EPA Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Communications Guide

US EPA Indoor Air Quality in Schools - Connecting and Networking for Schools

US EPA Videos about Indoor Air Quality in Schools

US EPA Indoor Air Quality Knowledge-to-Action Professional Training Webinar Series

US EPA Indoor Air Quality Master Class Professional Training Webinar Series

US EPA Healthy Indoor Environments in Schools: Plans, Practices and Principles for Maintaining Healthy Learning Environment

US Department of Energy Efficient and Healthy Schools Program

US EPA Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

HUD Healthy Building Intervention Priorities

Health and Safety NREL Intervention Sections

US EPA Radon Inspector Finder

US EPA Volatile Organic Compounds' Impact on Indoor Air Quality


Procurement Strategies for K–12 Facility and Energy Managers

Getting Started with Procurement & Managing and Analyzing Data

Training Recording | Slides

Energy and Energy Project Procurement

Training Recording | Slides

Financing Approaches & In-Class Applications – Achieving your Goals

Training Recording | Slides

Training Resources: Procurement Strategies for K–12 Facility and Energy Managers

Training Resource: Getting Started with Procurement & Managing and Collecting Data

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Blueprints

US DOE Better Buildings Energy Management and Information Systems (EMIS) Specification and Procurement Support Materials

US DOE / LBNL Efficient and Healthy Schools Program

American Cities Climate Challenge Procurement Guidance

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions’ Buying Clean Electricity: How Cities Benefit from Power Purchase Agreements

US DOE Better Buildings Primer on Organizational Use of Energy Management and Information Systems (EMIS)

Training Resource: Energy and Energy Project Procurement

US DOE Better Buildings Financing Navigator

US DOE Better Buildings Business Case for Proactive Rooftop Unit (RTU) Replacement

American Cities Climate Challenge's Renewable Energy Resource

PNNL Building Re-tuning Training

NIST Energy Escalation Rate Calculator

US DOE Better Buildings’ Navigating RFPs and Procurement for Energy Management and Information Systems

NREL REopt: Renewable Energy Integration & Optimization

NREL’s An Energy-Performance-Based Design-Build Process: Strategies for Procuring High-Performance Buildings on Typical Construction Budgets

US DOE M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Performance-Based Contracts

US EPA Target Finder Calculator

US DOE Building Efficiency Targeting Tool for Energy Retrofits

Training Resource: Financing Approaches & In-Class Applications

US DOE Better Building Solutions Center Financing Navigator

US DOE Better Building Solutions Center Toolkit for Financing your Energy Project

EPA Clean Energy Finance Tools and Resources

EPA Climate Action Funding Resource Guide

EPA Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

EPA Inflation Reduction Act

ACEEE Energy Savings Performance Contracting

American Cities Climate Challenge’s Funding Guidance

DEQ Montana Energy Performance Contracting

DOE Efficiency-as-a-Service

PACEnation Pace Programs

Environmental and Energy Study Institute Clean Energy Tax Credits



Addressing Climate Resilience in Schools

Training Recording | Slides

Making Resiliency Reality Through Electrification, Renewable Energy, and Electric School Buses

Training Recording | Slides

Stakeholder Engagement

Engaging Stakeholders to Create Healthy and Efficient Schools

Training Recording | Slides

Developing and Implementing a Vision

Training Recording | Slides

Business and Communication Skills

Strategies for Communicating Key Messages for School Decision Makers

Training Recording | Slides

Incorporating Energy Efficiency into Business Approaches and Tools in Schools

Training Recording 1 | Training Recording 2 | Slides

Training Resources: Business and Communication Skills

Training Resource: Strategies for Communicating Key Messages for School

IMT Comparison of US Building Performance Standards

NBI Interactive Map of Carbon Neutral School Districts

NBI Carbon Neutral Schools Resolution Template

Schools for Climate Action List of Climate Action Resolutions

NBI Annual Energy and Carbon Emissions Report Template

PBLWorks Project Library

Climate Action Pathways for Schools (CAPS)

Green Buildings Career Map

Slipstream Clean Energy Careers Video Series

California Climate-Ready School Board Toolkit and Survey

Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) Youth Action Team’s Great School Electrification Challenge

DPS Students for Climate Action Toolkit

Rewiring America’s Electrify Everything in Your School Campaign and Handbook

NBI Decarbonization Roadmap Guide For School Building Decision Makers

NBI Building Electrification Technology Roadmap (BETR) for Schools

NBI Template Bond Criteria for Healthy, Energy Efficient, Carbon Neutral Schools

Key Messaging for Communicating about Carbon Neutral Schools

NBI Schools Energy and Carbon Design Checklist

NBI Project Team Interview Questions and Guidance for Carbon Neutral Schools

USGBC Center for Green Schools Making the case for K-12 Sustainability Toolkit

NREL Plowing through the cost barrier

NREL Zero Energy School Design Guide

Training Resources: Incorporating Energy Efficiency into Business Approaches and Tools in Schools

US Climate Resilience Toolkit Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment

NBI Zero Energy EUI Targets

NYSERDA RFP for Schools

ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guideline for K-12 School Buildings

NBI Carbon Neutral Schools Resolution Template

NBI Energy and Carbon Project Requirements Template

NBI Schools Energy and Carbon Design Checklist

NBI Project Team Interview Questions and Guidance for Carbon Neutral Schools

NBI Template Bond Criteria for Healthy, Energy Efficient, Carbon Neutral Schools

NBI Energy and Carbon Emissions Reductions Report Template

Undaunted K-12 The financial case for zero energy schools