What is the goal of the program?

The Efficient and Healthy Schools Program aims to engage K-12 schools  —especially those serving low-income student populations—  to reduce energy costs and improve energy performance and indoor environmental quality. The program will help schools identify practical solutions and upgrades to improve energy efficiency while promoting healthier spaces for teaching and learning.

Who are the program organizers?

The Efficient and Healthy Schools Program is led by the U.S. Department of Energy, with technical support from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and New Buildings Institute. The program was developed with contributions from the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

How do I join the program?

Joining the program is easy and free. Please complete our join form to join the program either as a participant or a supporter. For more information, please contact the Efficient and Healthy Schools team at schools@lbl.gov.

What is the difference between a program participant and supporter?

Efficient and Healthy Schools Program participants are K-12 schools and school districts that are interested in reducing energy costs and improving energy performance and indoor environmental quality, and supporters are any organizations who support their efforts. 

What are the benefits of joining the program?

Participating schools can engage in peer-to-peer learning, receive direct technical assistance, get recognition for their efforts, and contribute to the development of technical resources such as HVAC solutions that improve energy performance and indoor air quality. Supporters can partner with the program team to promote improvements in K-12 schools and share the benefits of efficient and healthy school buildings.

Can all K-12 schools (public, private, charter, magnet) participate in the program?

Yes. We welcome any K-12 schools and school districts to join as participants. In particular, the program encourages schools serving low-income student populations to participate.

Is there a downloadable document with some basic information about the campaign that I can share with my school?

Yes, a one-page information sheet about the program can be found on our About page

What will the organizers do with the data submitted by participants and supporters?

We will not share your information without consent. The program will obtain agreement from participants and supporters on a case-by-case basis when sharing information about individual organizations for recognition or to support peer-to-peer learning and other program purposes.

What categories of recognition will be given in the program?

See the projects from our latest round of recognition here

How can my school or district receive recognition?

Please see the recognition page for more details.