
The word "Building Types" accompanied large building plus the word "technologies" accompanied by gearsLow Carbon Technology Strategies Toolkit

DOE developed the Low Carbon Technology Strategies guidance documents to support you in your journey to reduce carbon emissions in your buildings. The primary purpose is to aid owners and operators of existing buildings in planning retrofit and operational strategies to achieve deep carbon reductions. These strategy documents supplement existing energy design guides where new construction is the focus. Low Carbon Technology Strategies are currently available for 10 building types, including schools.


Graphic that says "zero net energy schools"Zero Net Energy School Retrofit Trainings 

New Buildings Institute offers webinars and workshops on how existing K-12 school and community college buildings in California achieved zero net energy performance. Slides and recordings are from 2018.


ASHRAE logoThe Process for Zero Energy K-12 Schools: The Next Series of ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guides

This is a seminar series on how to achieve the zero target through practical approaches including HVAC design. Talks include successful zero energy case studies, as presented at the 2018 ASHRAE Winter Conference. 


Front of report with title and a school building with studentsThe Building Electrification Technology Roadmap for Schools

Learn strategies tailored for K-12 schools to reduce carbon emissions from water heating, HVAC, buses, and other technologies that power classrooms and operational spaces. This report provides K-12 leaders a roadmap and decision-making tools to electrify their school buildings.