Benchmarking Indoor Air Quality
NEMI Ventilation Verification Specification
Ventilation verification is a physical assessment the existing HVAC system. It is performed by skilled, trained, and certified technicians to check if there is adequate ventilation in buildings. This specification by the National Energy Management Institute (NEMI) can be used by schools as a template to require ventilation verification within their buildings when not required by code.
EPA IAQ Tools for Schools Ventilation Checklist
A checklist for facility staff to systematically assess ventilation equipment performance and identify deficiencies. The checklist covers various aspects of HVAC systems, including: outdoor air intakes, system cleanliness, outdoor air supplies, air distribution, exhaust systems, and the amount of outdoor air ventilation.
EPA Air Sensor Toolbox
This EPA resources cover a wide range of topics related to using sensors to measure outdoor and indoor air quality. It provides practical information on how to understand sensor data readings, guidance on how to site and install sensors, and how to evaluate sensor performance.