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Mt. Washington Elementary School in Kentucky was selected by Bullitt County Public School District (BCPS) to undergo a major renovation of the HVAC system, lighting, and indoor air quality. The 1.5-year project resulted in an annual energy savings of 32 percent and annual cost savings of $28,000.
Parkway West High School in Chesterfield, Missouri conducted a retro-commissioning study that suggested performance and indoor quality upgrades. After building improvements, the project achieved an annual energy savings of 27 percent and an annual cost savings of $98,600.
River Trails Middle School in Mt. Prospect, Illinois implemented an upgrade of the HVAC controls and retro-commissioned the building systems. The project resulted in a 27 percent annual energy savings and an $18,900 annual cost savings.
Santee Education Complex was selected by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUS) to undergo a comprehensive audit after it was identified as the second highest energy consuming facility in the district. As a result of recommissioning building systems and installing energy conservation measures, the facility achieved an energy savings of 29% and cost avoidance of $226,000.
The District of Columbia Department of General Services (DGS) implemented their solar energy project using a power purchase agreement (PPA). The portfolio included schools, hospitals, recreation centers, and other buildings. This work created 140 jobs during installation, produces about 13,800 MWh annually, and is expected to save $25 million in taxpayer dollars over its lifetime.
Vista Peak Preparatory in Aurora, Colorado was selected by the Aurora Public School District undergo a 14-month recommissioning of the HVAC system to maximize energy savings potential. The project is estimated to realize a 20 percent EUI reduction and an annual energy cost savings of $54,000.
Warner Middle School in Xenia, Ohio is the only middle school in the nine-building portfolio of the Xenia Community School District. The district identified two main savings opportunities in the Warner facilities: upgrading garage lighting to LEDs and an energy service agreement to include building HVAC controls. The 14 month project resulted in an annual energy savings of 16 percent and annual cost savings of $27,500.