Welcome to The Efficient and Healthy Schools Program
The Efficient and Healthy Schools Program (EHSP) aims to engage K-12 schools to improve energy performance and indoor air quality, with a focus on practical solutions involving HVAC and other technologies to reduce energy use and advance resilience. This program is led by the U.S. Department of Energy with technical support from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and New Buildings Institute.
Join Today
Joining the Efficient and Healthy Schools Program is easy and free.
We invite you to join a growing network of schools, school districts, and supporting organizations in the Efficient and Healthy Schools Program. The program aims to improve energy performance, advance resilience, and promote a healthy learning environment in schools.
Options once you join the program include: regular working groups, peer-to-peer discussions, and technical support on practical solutions that improve energy performance, reduce carbon emissions and promote a healthy learning environment in your school. Join us!
Upcoming Events
ASHRAE Schools Partnership Program
ASHRAE is working on a multi-pronged effort to support ASHRAE Chapters to reach out to their local schools to share technical information on improving energy and indoor air quality. Currently, 14 Pilot ASHRAE Chapters have signed up. The program intends to engage with schools especially in disadvantaged or rural communities. Interested in being a part of this program? Learn more!
Interested in finding out more?
Please contact the Efficient and Healthy Schools team via email at schools@lbl.gov.